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Welcome to my humble abode
Welcome, my name is Seth and I want to first off thank you for visiting my website. Well, a short bit about myself. I'm in my early 20's and live in Minnesota. I'm an automotive service tech at a small shop near me and love cars, especially trucks, Chevy to be exact.

The pic to the side was taken at a buddy's wedding in which I was an usher, enjoy the pic, you won't see me in a tux for about 5 more years at the earliest.
New stuff
I'll try to keep this webpage updated as much as possible and I'll also try to post a little note here when I add something.

9/29/02 - Added numerous photos of the North Shore.

10/16/02 - Added more Northern Minnesota photos, fall colors included.

03/03 replaced a couple truck pictures with more current ones.

Much to do about nothin

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Steam engine out of a tourist town in Alaska

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